
March 2018

Pallinghurst trading statement

PRL is reasonably certain that its net profit after tax will be US$45 million for the year ended 31 December 2017 compared to a net profit after tax of US$45 million for the year ended 31 December 2016. In ZAR terms, net profit after tax will be ZAR600 million (ZAR656 million net profit after tax for the comparative year), a decrease of 9%.

Jupiter announces intention to IPO. PRL commits to coloured gemstone strategy

Over the past 12 months the Tshipi manganese mine has achieved record levels of production and profitability, and has made significant distributions to its shareholders, among which Jupiter Mines Ltd (“Jupiter”) holds 49.9%. The most recent distribution, via an equal access share buyback, has just been completed and was accepted by nearly 97% of shareholders, bringing to some AUD150 million the returns to Jupiter’s shareholders since the start of 2017.